Michele Gubernatis, President
The Altar Society of Saint Francis of Assisi was established in 1921 for the purpose of serving the cathedral parish with the ministry of caring for church and in response to St. Francis’ summons by Christ to “Rebuild my Church.” It continues to this dat as an active ministry.
The motto of the Altar society is “the work of the altar should be a labor of love” and while that is certainly true, it is an indescribable privilege to care for the church environment, altars, sanctuaries, flowers and linens. The Altar Society works closely with other pastoral committees, church members and priests to meet the numerous decorative, social and liturgical functions throughout the church year. Apart from cleaning the church, and hosting multiple parish, diocesan and inter–parish events, the members of the Altar Society come together to grow in holiness as they meet the needs of the Church.
The Altar Society meets on the third Wednesday of every month for approximately an hour and a half to plan and coordinate upcoming events. Both men and women are eligible to join the Altar Society for a modest membership fee of only $25 per year. Members may be active, by coming to the meetings and participating to the degree that they can in scheduled events, or working from home, or inactive by contributing their membership fees to the activities of the church.
Consider becoming an integral part of the cathedral community by joining us at the Altar Society in our labor of love which is one of inestimable grace and joy. Contact the President to learn more.
Cathedral Basilica St. Francis of Assisi and Cristo Rey Parish
Mission: To live our faith by loving and serving others.
Purpose: To build community amongst parishioners, and between parishes, by coming together to provide service to our churches, our community, and beyond.
Our Church is a friendly and welcoming parish. We need docents that will welcome our visitors when they arrive. Many come with questions about our historic Cathedral Basilica. Our gracious docents greet them and answer their questions. We want visitors to leave enriched from having benefited from a wonderful and holy place. Contact admin@cbsfa.org or 505.955.8866.
In response to our call to be involved in the world about us, members of the Ecumenical Committee at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi are concerned with promoting Christian unity among faith communities through greater cooperation and understanding.
The Ecumenical Committee of the Downtown Churches is represented by members of the Cathedral Basilica, First Presbyterian Church, and Holy Faith Episcopal Church. Together we share Santa Fe’s long and rich history of faith. We welcome all as members to one Christian family in a number of faith events, including:
*The Palm Sunday Procession to remember Christ’s entry into Jerusalem;
*Las Fiestas events, including the Pet Parade and the Candlelight Procession to Martyr Hill; and
*An afternoon of Las Posadas to recognize our call to provide hospitality to the Holy Family and to one another.
The Ecumenical Committee of the Downtown Churches also sponsors lectures. Members of the three churches meet four times during the year; smaller subcommittees meet to organize events.
Knights of Columbus Mission Statement
We Knights exemplify principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism through church, community, council, projects, family & youth activities. Each Knight chooses their areas of interest and level of participation based on time and family commitments.
President Helen Garcia, 505.988.1351
What does His heart mean to you? The Sacred Heart League is a reverent group of members with an especial devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a practice revealed to a French nun, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in 1695, by Jesus himself. Our society honors that request in our humble service. We have only twelve active members who come to the meetings and other members who are homebound yet support the mission of the organization with their membership dues and prayer. Founded in 1874 at St. Francis Cathedral and now 138 years old, the mission of the Sacred Heart League is the sanctification of its members through the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Secondarily, the League purchases the altar breads that will become our consecrated hosts for the church and some missions. This service is directly linked to the reparation for sins committed against the Eucharist which St. Albert the Great proclaimed was the first gift of the Sacred Heart to us, his body.
Looking for a small yet devotional ministry to join?
The League only meets four times a year. Our meetings last about one half hour followed by refreshments. The Sacred Heart League raises money through bake sales to purchase the hosts and promotes sociability amongst its members and the parish. Masses are offered annually for living and deceased members along with a rosary. The members enjoy seasonal raffles and a Christmas party.
Please help keep this ministry alive, invigorated and re-imagined for the 21st century with your participation. All are welcome— men and women, young and old. Your time or membership dues of only $15.00 a year are a small sacrifice that will keep the devotion to the Sacred Heart a vital part of our shared Catholic tradition. If you can’t join, please keep a private devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through novenas, morning offerings, or honoring him in your home.
I will give to my faithful all the graces necessary in their state of life.
I will establish peace in their homes.
I will comfort them in all their afflictions.
I will be their secure refuge during life and above all in death.
I will bestow abundant blessings upon all their undertakings.
Sinners shall find in My Heart the source and the infinite ocean of mercy.
Tepid souls shall become fervent.
Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection.
I will bless every place in which an image of My Heart shall be exposed and honored.
I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts.
Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart never to be effaced. I promise in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the first Friday in nine consecutive months the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in My disgrace nor without receiving their Sacraments. My Divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment.
+How good and pleasant it is to dwell in the heart of Jesus+
This group ministers to those in crisis needing help with food, rent, utilities, clothing and other basic necessities. In short, the work of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society is the Gospel message in action:
I was hungry
I was thirsty
I was a stranger
I was naked
I was sick
“I wish I could help..” If you have said these words to yourself-- you can, whatever your age, whatever your skill. All we ask is a few hours of your time per month
Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi Parish: Louise Kiger, 505-984-1888 Olivia Newfield, 505-992-3362
Cristo Rey Parish: Lena Bower, 505-471-7922 Martha Kallejian, 505-982-9982
The Treasures of Wisdom ministry was established to provide spiritual, social, education, and cultural activities for persons over the age of 50 years and to enrich its members and the youth of our parishes with many cultural heritages, various customs, traditions, and contributions of our faith community. To learn more about our ministry, please contact us. We welcome new members!