The Altar Society of Saint Francis of Assisi was established in 1921 for the purpose of serving the cathedral parish with the ministry of caring for church and in response to St. Francis’ summons by Christ to “Rebuild my Church.” It continues to this dat as an active ministry.
The motto of the Altar society is “the work of the altar should be a labor of love” and while that is certainly true, it is an indescribable privilege to care for the church environment, altars, sanctuaries, flowers and linens. The Altar Society works closely with other pastoral committees, church members and priests to meet the numerous decorative, social and liturgical functions throughout the church year. Apart from cleaning the church, and hosting multiple parish, diocesan and inter–parish events, the members of the Altar Society come together to grow in holiness as they meet the needs of the Church.
The Altar Society meets on the third Wednesday of every month for approximately an hour and a half to plan and coordinate upcoming events. Both men and women are eligible to join the Altar Society for a modest membership fee of only $25 per year. Members may be active, by coming to the meetings and participating to the degree that they can in scheduled events, or working from home, or inactive by contributing their membership fees to the activities of the church.
Consider becoming an integral part
of the cathedral community by joining us at the Altar Society in our labor of love which is one of inestimable grace and joy. Contact the President to learn more.
Michele Gubernatis, President C:505.690.9532
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